3. The first railroad was built between the Meseta Central and the coast and roads were built to connect
4. Deforestation accounts for the loss of nearly 2/3 of
5. More than 50% of the world's plant and animal species inhabit the 7% of the world that is covered in rainforest. Many of these species are located in small parts of the rainforest ecosystems and are found nowhere else on Earth.
6. The most species-rich plot of rainforest so far enumerated is in
7. Since 1989, a global population of 5.2 million people is climbing by nearly 90 million/year. The population growth rate in
8. In most tropical countries, two of the most obvious resources are its rainforests and the lands they occupy.
9. The developing countries, which account for most of the tropical rainforest biospheres, have almost 75% of the world's people but only about 15% of the world's goods.
10. The popular wood products made from trees found only in rainforests, such as mahogany or rosewood, have become a booming industry.
11. Most of the nutrients of a rainforest ecosystem are stored in its vegetation rather than in its soil.
12. One of the biggest industries throughout
13. The common way to clear land for agriculture or ranching is by felling and burning the trees, a practice known as slash-and-burn agriculture.
14. On
15. The estimated rate of extinction of species of plants and animals in rainforest ecosystems resulting from human interference is 50,000 every year, an average of about 140/day.
16. Some 25% of all pharmaceuticals used by Americans originated in a tropical rainforest.
17. Species of plants and animals are disappearing from the rainforests before they can be cataloged and studied.
18. In most tropical countries only one tree is replanted for every 10 cut. In some countries the rate is one tree planted for 30 cut.
19. With the help of a private
20. When populations outgrow their resources, their home has reached its carrying capacity. When a habitat or biosphere has reached its carrying capacity, its population must migrate to new areas or adjust to a lower standard of living.
21. About 2,000 trees per minute are cut down in the rainforests.
22. The forest root system has several important functions: a. It holds soil in place, preventing erosion. b. It absorbs rainfall and regulates water runoff. c. It replenishes groundwater supplies and regulates the flow of water in rivers and streams by storing and slowly releasing water throughout a year's time.
23. Experts tie extensive logging to flooding of massive land areas in
24. Half the rainfall in
25. Hundreds of items that people in industrialized nations use every day come from tropical rainforests.
26. In the
27. In non-industrialized nations of the tropics, wood is the primary energy source for millions of poor and landless rural people.
28. Indiscriminate logging of rainforests seriously, sometimes fatally, injures uncut trees and tears up or compacts the thin layer of top soil.
29. Most of the fertile land areas in
30. Almost 65% of
31. Rainforest land cleared for pasture or farming degrades quickly and must be abandoned.
32. In
33. Many indigenous cultures living in rainforests abandon their gardens and trek into the forest, setting up temporary shelters as far as 15 miles from the village, in order to hunt and collect forest foods.
34. Biologists Paul and Anne Ehrlich have likened the loss of individual species, from bacteria to mammals, to the continued loss of rivets that hold an airplane together. While the short-term effects may not be noticeable, the long-term effects could be disastrous.
35. The
36. Most of the forests in
37. Extensive use of powerful pesticides on banana plantations in
38. In 1990,
39. In
40. Deforestation is producing rainforest fragments or relict patches or has simplified rainforest ecosystems in structure and composition by exploiting them for timber.
42. As European nations took an interest in the products of rainforests the demand for these products outstripped the ecosystem's ability to produce.
43. About 75% of
45. The Meseta Central of
46. At least 42 million acres of tropical forest are lost each year, an area the size of
47. Since the turn of the century, 90 tribes of indigenous peoples have been wiped out in
48. Each year, Latin American and
49. Sixty percent of the region's 20 million people rely on firewood for cooking, placing additional pressure on the remaining forests.
52. The industry breakdown is as followed: a. Industry: food processing, textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer, petroleum refining b. Agriculture: bananas, coffee, beef, sugarcane, rice, vegetables, ornamental plants and fruits c. Commerce and tourism: hotels, restaurants, stores, tourist services d. Major exports: ($2.1 billion) bananas, coffee, beef, textiles and clothing, sugar, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants e. Major Imports: ($2.9 billion) manufactured goods, machinery, transportation equipment, chemicals, fuel, foodstuffs, fertilizer
53. Non-traditional exports and tourism in
54. The population of
55. The Costa Rican government has placed about 25% of the national territory under park and preserve title with 74 units under Forestry service management.
56. The Costa Rican government has introduced laws and benefits to companies with the capital and knowledge to reforest the degrading lands of
59. Most of
60. Two of the remaining indigenous tribes of
63. Some of the diseases or medical problems cured, solved or eased with plants discovered in rainforests include: a. malaria (the bark of the cinchona tree produces quinine) b. a muscle relaxant during surgery (curare, a vine extract used by indigenous peoples to poison arrows and darts) c. strokes, seizure, depression and Alzheimer's disease (secretions of an Amazonian frog called Phyllomedusa bicolor)
65. In 1982,
66. Owing to the nature of its soil composition and topography, more than half the land in Costa Rica is judged unsuitable for growing permanent crops or for anything other than trees.
Fakta Tentang Hutan dan Pokok
Sambil kita melupuskan pokok-pokok di sekitar rumah kita atau di dalam kebun kita, mahupun menggondolkan hutan simpan kekal di dalam negeri kita, samada secara sengaja mahupun secara terpaksa, cuba-cubalah kita renungkan beberapa fakta berkenaan pokok yang dapat dikumpulkan di sini:
q Sebatang pokok hutan berumur 50 tahun nilai sebenarnya adalah RM486,625. Ia menghasilkan oksigen bernilai RM80,625 dan melakukan kerja-kerja pengawalan pencemaran udara bernilai RM155,000. Ia melakukan kerja-kerja pengawalan hakisan tanah bernilai RM78,125 dan kerja-kerja mengitar semula air bernilai RM93,750.. Ia merupakan singgahsana mergastua bernilai RM79,125.
q Malaysia, sehingga kini mempunyai sekitar 71% daripada jumlah tanahnya yang berpokok, yang terdiri dari hutan semulajadi (58%) dan ladang (13%) yang menunjukkan bahawa ianya adalah antara negara terhijau di dunia.
q Sumber kepelbagaian biologi hutan
Satu fungsi pokok yang penting di bandar ialah meredakan keadaan panas keterlaluan. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa kawasan yang ditanami beberapa batang pokok, khususnya di taman kecil di
q Sempena Hari Habitat Sedunia 2000 Oktober tahun lalu, Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah mengetuai rakyat Malaysia menjayakan usaha menanam 100,000 Pokok Alaf Baru 2000 di Taman Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Dalam tempoh seminit 100,000 pokok daripada 30 spesies ditanam serentak di seluruh
q Serumpun pokok dapat menurunkan suhu di kawasan sekitarnya sehingga 10 darjah selsius.
q Sejumlah 500,000 pokok boleh menyerap 6,500 tan metrik habuk atau satu tan metrik habuk bagi setiap 77 pokok..
q Satu hektar kawasan yang ditanam dengan pokok boleh menyerap
q Meskipun tumbuh-tumbuhan bersama para haiwan membentuk komponen kehidupan (faktor biotik) bagi ekosistem, hampir kesemua biojisim ekosistem itu tersimpan di dalam tumbuh-tumbuhan, kebanyakannya pokok. Biojisim seberat 650 ton sehektar dapat disukat di dalam hutan-hutan tanah pamah di
q Hutan hujan tropika mempunyai purata biojisim 300 ton sehektar berbanding separuh daripadanya untuk hutan hawa sederhana. Keamatan biojisim sememangnya berbeza. Hutan hujan tropika biasanya mengumpulkan lebih kalsium, silika, sulfur, ferrum, magnesium dan natrium, dan kurang kalium dan fosforus berbanding hutan hawa sederhana.
q Hutan hujan tropika menyediakan ruang untuk berbagai bentuk kehidupan. Kebanyakan spesis di bumi tinggal di dalam hutan ini. Sering tidak disedari, kolam takungan kehidupan ini menjadi titik mula bagi 25% daripada bahan-bahan perubatan yang baru.
q Hutan hujan tropika memainkan peranan penting di dalam mengekalkan kimia atmosfera. Jumlah bahan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang banyak adalah disekitar 50% karbon (yang datangnya daripada karbon dioksida atmosfera melalui fotosintesis) mengikut berat.
q Fotosintesis di kalangan tumbuh-tumbuhan darat yang meliputi hutan hujan tropika menyingkirkan lebihkurang 110x109 ton karbon daripada atmosfera setiap tahun.. Kadar pemerosesan karbon dari atmosfera oleh hutan tropika adalah sepanjang 0.8 tahun.
q Wap air dari troposfera di atas Lembah Tengah Amazon dibekalkan oleh 50% daripada sejatan lautan dan 50% daripada sejatperpeluhan hutan. 50% hujan yang menimpa lembangan itu dikembalikan ke atmosfera oleh hutannya, yang sekali gus menjadi saliran hujan untuk kawasan yang lebih jauh di barat. Saliran ini akan terputus jika hutan-hutan seumpamanya dimusnahkan.
q Lantai hutan dara boleh menyerap air sebanyak 200% daripada beratnya keringnya. Air yang terserap melalui lantai hutan inilah yang menjadi pembekal utama air sungai di dalam musim kemarau. Keseimbangan air di dalam hutan tropika membantu tanah gembur daripada kesan buruk ribut tropika apabila hujan yang sampai kepermukaan tanah dikurangkan oleh sejatperpeluhan hutan.
q Data yang paling menyeluruh daripada Pertubuhan Makanan dan Pertanian (FAO) menyebutkan bahawa kadar tahunan kemusnahan hutan untuk tahun 1981-1985 adalah 11.4 juta hektar (
q Sehingga 1996, jumlah penggunaan kayu tropika ialah 1.7 juta meter padu setahun dengan kadar penebangan hutan sedunia sebanyak 24.9 juta hektar setahun.
Hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui.